Pastoral Ministry
Promotes spiritual development and growth in personal relationship with the Lord and corporate advancement of the cause of Christ.
Word Proclamation & Instruction
Biblical Counseling
Specialized Training, Seminars, Retreats, Conferences
Baby Dedication
Home Dedication
Pastoral Support Ministry
Promotes the continuing advancement of overall NFTC ministry enhancing the cause of Christ through responsible management of pastoral resources.
Pastoral administrative assistance
Pastoral relief
Finance Ministry
Promotes the continuing advancement of overall NFTC ministry enhancing the cause of Christ through responsible management of financial resources.
Finance Committee
Annual Building Fund
NFTC Scholarship
NFTC Travel
Deacon/Deaconness Ministry
Promotes spiritual development and growth in personal relationship with the Lord and corporate advancement of the cause of Christ.
Education Ministry Leadership/Support
Finance Ministry Leadership/Support
Worship Leader
Prayer Warriors
Lord’s Supper Preparation and Celebration
Baptism Support
Congregation Logistical Support
Decorations Team
Education Ministry
Promotes spiritual development and growth in personal relationship with the Lord and corporate advancement of the cause of Christ.
Sunday School
Bible Study
Vacation Bible School
Specialized Training, Seminars, Retreats, Conferences
Music Ministry
Promotes Spirit-led, participatory praise inviting the presence of God into the worship experience.
NFTC Praise
Youth Choir
Adult Choir
Mass Choir
Media Ministry
Encourages interactive worship intending to promote individual experience of the presence of God and corporate participatory worship.
Audio Control, Recording, & Distribution
Video Control, Recording, & Distribution
Scheduling & Announcements
Internet Communications
Men Ministry
Promotes spiritual development and growth in personal relationship with the Lord and corporate advancement of the cause of Christ; provides logistical support promoting efficient, effective performance of events relating to NFTC.
Men’s Tabernacle Hour
Cooking Team
Groundskeeping Team
Transportation Team
Parking Team
Security Team
Specialized Training, Seminars, Retreats, Conferences
Women Ministry
Promotes spiritual development and growth in personal relationship with the Lord and corporate advancement of the cause of Christ; provides compassionate relief for those experiencing illness, grief, or any other such life interruption event.
Women’s Tabernacle Hour
Hospital & Home Visitation
Bereavement Support
Disaster Relief & Support
Specialized Training, Seminars, Retreats, Conferences
Worldwide Mission
Youth Ministry
Promotes spiritual development and growth in personal relationship with the Lord and corporate advancement of the cause of Christ.
Youth Tabernacle Hour
Youth Choir
NFTC Dance
Specialized Training, Seminars, Retreats, Conferences
Hospitality Ministry
Promotes a pleasant atmosphere encompassing the total NFTC experience encouraging continuing attendance and participation.
Greeters & Ushers
Culinary Committee
Evangelism Ministry
Promotes the clear, concise communication of the Gospel intending to win souls for Christ.
Membership Committee
New Member Orientation
Community Outreach